ROMAN GOD JANUS (IANUS): God Janus – God of Beginnings and Endings

The Roman god Janus, in Roman Mythology, is a god of ancient and original origin. For this reason, unlike many gods in Roman Mythology, Janus Roman God does not have any equivalent in Greek Mythology.  In the Early Roman Period, when the belief in the simple family was widespread, god Janus was defined as a divine power protecting the thresholds of houses. According to some views, according to Roman tradition, he was initially an early divine being, and as religion developed, he became deified. What…

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Saturn: A Mythological and Astronomical Journey from the God Saturn to the Planet Saturn and then to Saturn Retrograde

Interesting Facts About Saturn God Saturn is one of the revered gods of Roman Mythology and also represents a gigantic planet in astronomy. In this article, let’s look at Saturn from both mythological and astronomical perspectives, as well as its significance in astrology and its effects in the modern world, including the Saturn Retrograde. God Saturn in Roman Mythology In Roman mythology, Saturn is known as the god of agriculture, time and harvest. He is the Roman equivalent of Cronus in Greek mythology. His story…

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Roman God Saturn: Lord of Agriculture and Wealth 

Roman God Saturn in Roman Mythology: Lord of Time, Agriculture and Prosperity In Roman Mythology, the god Saturn (Saturnus) is known as the god of time and agriculture. Although known for his Etruscan origins, the god Saturn is recognized as the equivalent of Cronus in Greek Mythology. He was identified by the Romans with Cronus of Greek Mythology. Thus, all the characteristics of Cronus are seen in Saturn. Equal to Cronus in Greek Mythology, Roman god Saturn was revered and feared in Rome. The story…

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